As I have stated in my first blog that I am striving to accomplish getting my Degree in Aviation that will ultimately open the door for many opportunities and things that I strive to accomplish and one of these is flying for the Navy. No one has a magic mirror to look in the future but I work on the assumption of what Thomas Edison once said that the success and accomplishment of the individual are reached by two things 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. "His genius he was quite content in one brief sentence to define; Of inspiration one percent, of perspiration, ninety nine."
I have always worked hard on this assumption, and one of the things that might help me financially will be flying for eight years in the Navy which is the commitment required due to the two year rate training. That will definitely allow me not only understand aviation both from management and flight prospective. Also, it will allow me to pay for additional school that I am planning to attend while serving which is law school. I could probably see myself ten years from now, given the fact that I secured the flight spot in the Navy and finishing law school, as a legislator in the United States Congress which I am inspiring to end up in to help the aviation and the community in general escape big government involvement or entanglements.
I have always thought that our government has been involved way too much in the private sector industry that makes it difficult to compete or create opportunities because of too many rules, regulations, and capitalization on the aviation industry. I am certain that there many things that the private sector can handle and correct or regulate much better than the government itself can by the idea of the open free market concept. For instance, if the government makes a mistake or offends someone, it is not going to be concerned losing a customer or get worried about its reputation getting tarnished because of bad behavior. But if a private entity messes up, the market and the people will judge it harshly by punishing it not conduct business with such company and forcing it out of business and putting its reputation under fire. TSA, airport security, charges and fees, and many other things that are ought to be privatized to leave the people deal with them better than the government.
To sum up, these goals can be accomplished by the 99% percent perspiration and 1% inspiration and not the other way around. I know with multiple degrees would open many opportunities for me in the aviation industry or other sectors down the road to help me achieve my
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